Field ID- Brown Thrushes


Pseudocatharus thrushes visual comparison. Text provided by the Museum of Novasola.

A visual guide to aid in differentiating the two similar Pseudocatharus thrushes of Novasola.

The Russet Thrush, Pseudocatharus tibia, and Fay Thrush, Pseudocatharus maculatus, are closely related birds that appear quite similar and overlap in range. As such, differentiating between them can pose serious challenges for amatuers and professionals alike. This visual guide is meant to help clarify some of the major differences. For the field guide entry for the Russet Thrush, click here. For the field guide entry for the Fay Thrush, click here. 

It is best to use auditory clues or habitat characteristics to distinguish species. Songs of each species differ, as do their calls, and where the bird is located within the vegetative strata may be indicative. While both prefer to stay on the ground, Russet Thrushes may be seen in the canopy, while Fay Thrushes will almost never be seen above the understory outside migration.